The Nielson Group - Coaching






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"Business coaches work with executives, managers and employees in a person-centered and holistic way. Coaches deal with goals and strategies while working with each person's emotions and feelings as well as with their minds. One of the outcomes of working with a business coach is that the individual and organization experience greater productivity." Allen Nohre, CEO, Corporate Coach University.

"Asked for a conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from the coaching they got, these managers described an average return of more than $100,000, or about six times what the coaching had cost their companies." Fortune, 2/19/01, "Executive Coaching -- With Returns a CFO Could Love"

Individual development needs in your organization may be specific to a few individuals or broad and company-wide. Whether for one person or as part of a corporate-wide development strategy, individuals experience greater success at a much faster pace and make breakthroughs not previously possible through the use of coaching. Participants who benefit most from an individualized coaching process include:

  • high-talent/high-potential professionals wanting to reach new levels
  • executives or professionals with new or expanded responsibilities
  • highly successful entrepreneurs wanting more out of life
  • under-performing key individual contributors
  • executives in dual career situations
  • executives experiencing personal crises
  • key professionals involved in conflict
  • stuck or burned-out managers



Success Discovery Process™
Co-Creating For Success
Continuous Lifelong Learning
Discovery 360° Feedback
DNA Soft Skill Competency Assessment
DNA Soft Skill Application Matrix
Career Planning and Implementation



New Leader/New Team Coaching

Current studies indicate as many as 40% of all newly appointed leaders or managers fail to meet expectations. The costs can be devastating both on an individual basis and organizationally. The New Leader/Manager Coaching process carefully considers specific expectations, deliverables and time factors prevalent in leadership assignments. Each assignment is different; however, one of the keys to successfully transitioning into a new leader role is building trust, organizing staff to leverage skills and abilities and developing rapport. In partnership with the new leader and the organization, a custom-designed coaching program that includes the entire team ensures a 'fast track' with the most potential for long-term success. Some of the tools used to assist a new leader include:

  • job soft skills indicator- identifies a job's most important soft skills
  • work environment assessments - identifies what the job calls for behaviorally
  • personal soft skills indicator - identifies the new leader's soft skills
  • Managing For Success® behavioral report - identifies the new leader's behavioral style
  • organization climate assessment - gives the new leader a quick snapshot of the climate
  • team dynamics assessment - analyzes behavioral styles of the group
  • Dynamic Communication™ workshop for new organizations - fosters and builds relationships that will continue to grow through a new understanding of self and others
  • leader coaching - provides custom-delivered coaching to support the integration of the new leader into the organization


Success Discovery Process™

Designed for consultant-employee or as a triad for consultant, employee and manager, this simple but powerful interactive session helps the recipient achieve a greater degree of success in life, work and relationships through self-discovery and action planning. This two-hour, one-on-one program has been time-tested and proven to work. Achievers throughout history have had one thing in common - they know themselves. Achievers don't underestimate what they can do. They know their own limitations and, by realizing their weaknesses, are able to develop plans to overcome their shortcomings and take full advantage of their strengths. Ideal as a top-down program, the recipient receives a behavioral style assessment (how you do what you do) and a personal interests, attitudes and values assessment (why you do what you do), which are the focal points for discussion during the session. Subjects discussed include attitudes and values that drive actions; value to the organization; communication style preferences and their impact on self and others; ideal work environment; others' perceptions; adapted style; keys to motivating; keys to managing; and areas for improvement. Participants develop an action plan to integrate their strengths and interests for performance enhancement. The impact of boss-subordinate style differences is also discussed. Follow-up sessions are provided to support integration of learning and action plan completion.

Co-Creating For Success

Coaching is the art of helping others find their own place in the organization, their own best way of contributing and that inner sense of well-being that each of us strives to find. In this personalized and highly customized coaching process, the client and consultant co-generate four critical outcomes: an improvement in well-being, purposeful behavior, higher levels of competence and increased awareness. Through this process, the client learns how to create openings, possibilities, plans, outcomes and action steps. The coaching process results in efforts that connect people, clarify expectations and foster high commitment, while supporting personal and organizational learning and development. This process successfully addresses the most difficult leadership situations and can make substantial and positive differences in financial results. Each assignment is developed to meet the specific needs of individual participants and their sponsoring organization and may include a comprehensive assessment, a 360° review process and development of an action plan with deliverables. The plan is carefully integrated with each participant's current business issues and is implemented via regularly scheduled coaching sessions. Process duration is typically three, six or nine months depending on desired outcomes.

Continuous Lifelong Learning

The costs involved in replacing key, high-potential individuals are staggering. Few investments provide better return to organizations or are more meaningful to highly talented key professionals in today's workplace than realistic opportunities to compare their visions and needs with those of the organization. In a thoroughly confidential environment, The Nielson Group creates an exceptional platform for the discussion of possibilities within the organization and offers key individuals career management skills they will use throughout their lifetime. Taking part in this comprehensive career management process puts the participant in charge of his or her own career. This is a personal and professional development process that uses three components of success: commitment, accountability and coaching. Three types of assessments are used: behavioral style; personal interests, attitudes and values; and 360° feedback (see Discovery 360° Feedback below). Continuous Lifelong Learning is divided into four phases with a complete guide for each phase:

  • phase I - discovering your real self through assessment
  • phase II - goal setting
  • phase III - analysis of goal activities, competencies and impact statements
  • phase IV - seven-step continuous improvement process

Discovery 360° Feedback

This assessment is a powerful tool for assisting in the growth and development of employees and managers. Used as part of a comprehensive development program, the 360° feedback assessment will help participants accomplish the following:

  • improve their overall effectiveness
  • accept the fact that their current methods need some further development
  • understand strengths and weaknesses related to performing their job responsibilities
  • Additional applications for the 360° feedback assessment include:
  • data collection to use in one-on-one personal growth mentoring
  • organizational performance assessment
  • data collection to set up a career development program

The main reason for using a 360° assessment is to give the recipient a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses in a given area from an external perspective. As part of a comprehensive battery of assessments, one of the most powerful applications of the 360° feedback assessment is in a coaching program where the discussion is focused on current needs, personal goals and future opportunities. The feedback helps the employee recognize if they are meeting the needs of the majority and if people want more or less of a particular skill area. Refer to Continuous Lifelong Learning for a comprehensive career management process. Also refer to the Organization Climate Survey for additional climate input.

DNA Soft Skill Competency Assessment

The "competency movement" coincides with the continuing trend towards downsizing, merging, acquiring, restructuring, divesting, and reengineering. The grand purpose of these initiatives is to help successful companies respond to the continuous parade of change taking place inside and outside their organization. Competencies serve to meld the diverse nature of key success attributes into units of performance that can be observed and measured.

The theory underpinning competency-based performance analysis (CBPA) is based on many years of research into the behaviors and attitudes that comprise the natural talents and passions of people. Often times what is needed most to improve selection systems is a process for identifying the soft skill competencies and their relative importance to the most important objectives and requirements of specific jobs.

Soft skill competencies play a key role in enabling the execution of the organization's strategic goals. Some organizations refer to these types of competencies as enabling competencies. Today, soft skill competencies such as self-management, empathy, goal orientation, interpersonal skills, and flexibility are essential for superior performance in an ever-growing number of positions.

The DNA Soft Skill Assessment suite of tools provides the most effective and efficient method for collecting the necessary data and identifying core soft skill competencies - both for the job and for the individual.

The assessment measures a group of 23 generic soft skill competencies representing the non-technical performance criteria for most management and leadership positions. These generic soft skill competencies are described below:

  1. leadership - achieving extraordinary business results through people

  2. employee development/coaching - facilitating and supporting the professional growth of others

  3. teamwork - working effectively and productively with others

  4. conflict management - addressing and resolving conflict constructively

  5. interpersonal skills - effectively communicating, building rapport and relating well to all kinds of people

  6. problem-solving - anticipating, analyzing, diagnosing and resolving problems

  7. creativity/innovation - adapting traditional or devising new approaches, concepts, methods, models, designs, processes, technologies and/or systems

  8. written communication - writing clearly, succinctly and understandably

  9. customer service - anticipating, meeting and/or exceeding customer needs, wants, and expectations

  10. flexibility - agility in adapting to change

  11. goal orientation - energetically focusing efforts on meeting a goal, mission or objective

  12. planning/organizing - using logical, systematic and orderly procedures to meet objectives

  13. diplomacy - effectively handling difficult or sensitive issues by using tact, diplomacy and an understanding of organizational culture, climate and/or politics

  14. personal effectiveness - demonstrating initiative, self-confidence, resiliency and a willingness to take responsibility for personal actions

  15. presenting - communicating effectively to groups

  16. management - achieving extraordinary results through effective management of resources, systems and processes

  17. negotiation - facilitating agreements between two or more parties

  18. persuasion - convincing others to change the way they think, believe or behave

  19. empathy - identifying with and caring about others

  20. continuous learning - taking initiative in learning and implementing new concepts, technologies and/or methods

  21. futuristic thinking - imagining, envisioning, projecting and/or predicting what has not yet been realized

  22. decision-making - using effective processes to make decisions

  23. self-management - demonstrating self-control and an ability to manage time and priorities

Four tools are available in the DNA Soft Skill Assessment suite:

DNA Soft Skill Application Matrix

Information About the DNA™ Products
DNA Position Survey™ (PS)
DNA Position Analysis™ (PA)
DNA Job Soft Skills Indicator™ (JSSI)
DNA Personal Soft Skills Indicator™ (PSSI)
DNA Soft Skills Development Workbook
The Performance DNA Manual on CD
Recommended for Behavioral Interviewing
Recommended for Employee Development
Recommended for Performance Management
# of Questions
Available on IDS™  

IDS™ refers to the Internet Delivery Service, which provides clients the ability to take these assessments very easily along with other assessments via a web link. The PS survey, which provides the ability to collect and analyze surveys on a single position from one to ten people, is available via a separate Internet link. Results from the PS or PA surveys can be incorporated into the Discovery 360 Feedback™ survey tool.

Career Planning and Implementation

Many people enter into work based on assumptions that lack a foundation of self-fulfillment. It is estimated that 50-80% of working adults are in the wrong job. Some cope by moving from one job to another without finding real happiness. Others self-select out of the 'system' with a bitter taste toward the work they were doing. And still others stay in a job they don't like while they watch their peers receive promotions. Many times 'the boss' is blamed. The saddest part is that in any of these scenarios the individual is missing the opportunity to be self-fulfilled through their work. And many hesitate to pursue jobs out of fear that they will not succeed - but they can't quite describe what success will look like.

Career Planning and Implementation is a structured approach to evaluating career choices. Whether you are just out of college or deciding to reinvent yourself after 20 years in a career, this career coaching program helps you to discover your real self, identify what gives you fulfillment, identify career choices with the most potential to provide personal fulfillment, establish goals for managing your career, and follow through to implement a career change.

The rewards associated with completing this program include an enthusiastic perspective on life and work, an energy that stays with you through the day, and a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction in whatever you do. You will:

  • make and plan career decisions with confidence
  • clarify job expectations
  • discover reasons for past inner conflict or stress
  • analyze your perceived 'ideal' job
  • receive a list of occupations that require behavior closest to your natural style
  • discover and use your talents in alignment with your personal values
  • conduct a job search that produces the best options for you

This coaching program is designed for completion in phases over 2 to 6 months with the assistance of a personal career coach. The program is divided into seven phases:

  • phase I - establishing a coaching contract and setting goals
  • phase II - discovering and understanding your real self through assessment
  • phase III - goal setting refinement
  • phase IV - turning goals into journeys: analyzing your goal activities, competencies and impact statements
  • phase V - preparing for the job search
  • phase VI - implementing the job search
  • phase VII - starting the new job: ensuring success before you start


Contact: The Nielson Group at 972.346.2892