The Nielson Group - Hiring for Fit - Job Profile and Talent Assessment






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Hiring for Fit - Job Profile and Talent Assessment

Five Star PLUS Hiring Methodology™

Define the job's key accountabilities and talent requirements
Screen applications and resumes for minimum acceptable requirements and standards, sort into high, medium and low priority candidates. Eliminate those applicants with repetitive short tenure.
Pre-screen high priority applicants by phone (salary requirements, verify minimum requirements, location preferences, acceptable work hours - also use this as your 2nd opportunity to market your company to the prospective employee. Invite those who passed the phone screening to complete the appropriate assessments using The Nielson Group's Fit Series™ of assessments via online or paper response forms. Online assessment option can be administered via e-mail to the applicant.
Interview those with the best match based on assessment results
Complete a background check (criminal, DMV, others based on position) on candidates you want to make an offer (see our applicant release form)


Design and implement a comprehensive 6-month onboarding program based on the job, the company's needs and the new employee's needs. See our white papers:

Fitting In, Setting Up New Employees for Success

The Art of Onboarding

About Assessments in Hiring

People think they know themselves. Others attempt to be someone they aren't. Our goal is to identify the true characteristics of a person before they are hired and, using assessments, determine if they have the talent necessary to succeed in the job. Three books recently published have pointed to talent being more than hard skills, education and knowledge. According to Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman in their book, First, Break All the Rules, "…companies are searching for undiscovered reserves of value. Human nature is one of those last, vast reserves of value. If they are to increase their value, companies know they must tap these reserves." Buckingham and Coffman made a clear case for identifying the behavioral characteristics and values a person possesses when hiring for fit. According to John Butler, author of Successful Entrepreneurial Management, behavioral style, values and soft skills are critical to job fit. And perhaps the best-written and popular contemporary material on proving the importance of soft skills in the workplace is Daniel Goleman's book, Working With Emotional Intelligence. What all of this research is telling us is that great managers look at soft skills, behavioral style, values and integrity when matching people to jobs. The Nielson Group offers assessments to measure and identify these characteristics that make up an individual's talent. This same strategy is applied to the job, that is, behavior, values and soft skills inherently found in the job are used to define job requirements and measure both candidate and incumbent job fit - scientifically and accurately. Once the job is defined and a good fit is found, coaching, training and/or development can then be applied to enhance those skills that are deemed most important to successful performance of the job.

Step One - Does the Applicant have the Right Attitudes for Your Company?

The Nielson Group uses one of the most validated and reliable assessment tools on the market to test applicants for the right attitudes. This low cost assessment can be used in high volume to weed out those "unwanted" attitudes. If the applicant does well on this assessment the time and money invested in the next step in the process won't be wasted. The goal here is to avoid wasting precious time with candidates you shouldn't be considering regardless of their credentials. To learn more go to:

Why we recommend the Orion Opinion Survey
Attitudinal Scales Section
Self Assessment Section
Post Survey Interview Section

Step Two - Does the Applicant Have the Talent (Fit) to Perform at a High Level based on the Job Requirements?

The Nielson Group uses assessments from Target Training Int'l, a leader in job and talent assessments. We've combined highly valid and reliable job-related assessments based on whether the job is hourly technical or service work, professional/degreed, sales or sales management and management/leadership types of positions. Regardless of type of job or position, we can align a talent assessment and job profile to predict success with a high degree of certainty. Together, we call our assessment offerings The Fit Series™ (1.8 MB).

Our clients have found the TriMetrix Talent Report to be very effective in determining the level of job fit in the selection process and the TriMetrix Coach report to be invaluable after the person has been hired. The nice part is that once the candidate has taken the TriMetrix Talent Assessment, you can request the coaching report later without having the new employee retake the assessments. We call this a Total Talent Management System.


Define the job's Key Accountabilities and Talent Requirements.

The Nielson Group uses the TriMetrix Job Profile™ to create a comprehensive job profile. But it starts first by identifying the key accountabilities.

Laying the Foundation for Performance

A position's accountabilities are not the same as a job description. They are instead a succinct summary of critical goals and key successes the position is held accountable to produce for the business. Accountabilities define the reasons why the position is necessary in the first place. They lay the groundwork for management to move forward in defining the supporting behaviors, motivators, skills, capacities and cultural rewards that will support successful achievement of the position's accountabilities.

A position's critical accountabilities are defined through a facilitated process in which participants who are familiar with the position explore, validate and quantify its "reason for being." Those involved in the process can be chosen from employees who formerly held the position, the manager and/or a former manager of the position, and key managers/staff who interact closely with the position on a regular basis. Ideally, three (3) or more people with current actual working knowledge of the position should be involved. At every step of the process, it is important for each participant to focus on the simple objective: defining a short list of critical accountabilities for the position. When complete, the resulting list of accountabilities typically numbers from 3-7 in total. Accountabilities vary considerably depending on the industry, company, culture and management. All of them must contain, wherever possible, targets to achieve for successful performance. These targets should be measurable wherever possible to leave no question as to the achievement level required. They should also be prioritized and weighted to reflect which is most important to the position. Some examples may be:


  1. Provide strong leadership and project management skills to the Oracle HR project
  2. Ensure executive management and stakeholders are kept informed of critical-path progress and variances from plan (20%)
    1. Keep appropriate executive management and governance committees informed of project status, goal attainment and issues
    2. Serve as liaison to business unit advisory council
    3. Ensure all stakeholders and users receive frequent and appropriate communications
    4. Oversee and monitor all phases of the project schedule
    5. Monitor performance of project team
  3. Respond proactively to potential delays in a manner that reduces or eliminates the risk of delay (10%)
  4. Ensure all stakeholders and users receive timely, appropriate and effective training (20%)
  5. Ensure new processes are simplified to leverage Oracle configurations and any new HR process cycle times are reduced (30%)
  6. Ensure all service provider expenditures are approved by the governance committee and services delivered in a manner that meets Cendant's needs (20%)


  1. Provide a patient advocacy approach with every customer contact (patient, doctor, pharmacist, patient caregiver) so that the customer recognizes you as an active liaison between the patient, the doctor and the pharmacy and as a provider of helpful information.
    1. 30% importance to job
    2. Measured by: Call monitoring scores, customer feedback
  2. Provide accurate and timely follow-through on all call tasks and commitments and ensure that communications are clear, proper action is taken and all internal processes are followed.
    1. a. 30% importance to job
    2. Measured by: Call monitoring scores, customer feedback, internal audit
  3. Manage to a high level of productivity while maintaining quality and providing an empathetic and supportive experience to the patient by controlling the patient conversation, learning and applying effective and efficient strategies and processes and multi-tasking while conversing.
    1. 40% importance to job
    2. Measured by: Call monitoring scores, customer feedback, internal audit


  1. Increase total annual corporate sales by a minimum of 15% (40%)
  2. Consistently achieve a minimum of 3% monthly regional sales increases (30%)
  3. Demonstrate sales leadership, measured by favorable staff feedback (15%)
  4. Recruit, retain and develop top sales talent while maintaining an average annual employee turnover rate of less than 10% (15%)


  1. Assure reliable operational systems 24x5 with 99% availability (30%)
  2. Administer the operations budget to no more than 100% of allotted funds (25%)
  3. Establish and maintain quality vendor services within allotted budget (15%)
  4. Proactively recommend and implement quality enhancements to operational systems, measured by a continued decrease in time, manpower and costs needed to process client orders and product shipping (15%)
  5. Demonstrate leadership in managing operations staff, measured by favorable staff feedback (15%)

It is always the best recommendation to start from scratch in establishing accountabilities and not assume that one predefined set will suit your company's unique requirements. The process of defining a position's accountabilities provides value to the organization above and beyond designing performance appraisals. It focuses management attention on assuring that the organization's key success factors are supported by the critical accountabilities of the positions they create, which in turn assures maximum return on investment for the organization. Hiring based on these accountabilities assures a solid foundation.

The next steps in laying the foundation involves defining further dimensions of the position, including behaviors, motivators, skills, attributes and cultural rewards. The Nielson Group uses the TriMetrix System Job Profile™ to collect and validate each of these dimensions using input from incumbents, stakeholders and the boss. Both an individual report and a multi-respondent report can then be generated showing how each participant scored. The multi-respondent report combines all respondent results into one consolidated report.

To request a comprehensive white paper on using The Nielson Group Five Star Hiring Methodology™ click here:


The Nielson Group has extensive use in the administration of the Orion Opinion Survey from Orion Systems. We continue to recommend and use this family of assessments because they have proven effective at screening out undesirable attitudes. When combined with a behavioral and values assessment, you combine the "screening out" process with a job matching process ("screening in" behaviors and values for job fit) that ensures you interview only those applicants that show a strong probability of being successful in the job. There are many reasons for using the Orion:

  • Up to 80% of turnover is due to mistakes in hiring
  • Employee theft costs businesses billions each year
  • Costs for drug-related absenteeism, health and worker compensation costs are in excess of $50 billion dollars a year.
  • Hiring, training and getting an hourly worker productive cost 15 - 40% of their annualized wage.
  • Not all applicants are right for the job. Some have trouble with tardiness, absenteeism or supervision. Others have theft and drug problems, poor customer service attitudes, poor communication skills or poor sales attitudes.

Why we recommend the Orion Opinion Survey

The Orion Opinion Survey provides accurate, valid and illuminating insight, free from adverse impact. It examines job-related attitudes your applicants will bring with them to the work environment.

It provides an objective, valid information-gathering service and offers advantages over traditional methods by focusing on key work-related issues. The report provides three levels of detail (short, medium or long) and a summary of positive and negative attitudes. It suggests the applicant has below average, average or above average attitudes in several areas including supervision, work, workplace drug use, workplace theft, customer service, communication, competitiveness and sales.

Administration time ranges from 15 to 25 minutes and is available in multi-lingual versions. To learn more about the different versions and administration and delivery options click on the Orion Systems banner above.

About the Orion Opinion Survey

Organized in three parts the ORION PE profile contains information vital to selecting the best possible applicant - specifically related to integrity of the person.

Attitudinal Scales Section (different versions offer these in various combinations which shortens or lengthens the number of test questions, customization is a standard service for clients with 500 or more applicants per year)

Validity Index - advises the interviewer of the existence of distortion, (the applicant's conscious or subconscious attempt to alter the results of the survey) by placing the applicant in a risk zone of Low Risk, Marginal Risk, or High Risk.

Supervisory Attitudes - assesses applicant's attitudes and habits toward acceptance of supervision and supervisory potential as being Above Average, Average, or Below Average. The Supervisory Attitudes Scale is intended to measure one's willingness to accept others as authority figures and to perform well when under the direction of others. Those having difficulty in accepting direction and working with leaders are believed to make poor employees.

Work Attitudes - assesses applicant's attitudes and habit toward absenteeism, tardiness, and the concept of working as a team as being Above Average, Average, or Below Average. It appears obvious that those having poor or lackadaisical attitudes toward work habits do not make good employees. The Work Attitudes Scale was designed to measure such attitudes.

Workplace Theft Attitudes - assesses applicant's attitudes and habits toward employee theft as Low Risk, Marginal Risk, or High Risk. The Workplace Theft Attitudes scale is measures of attitudes regarding employee theft. The items on this scale primarily ask about acceptability and prevalence of employee theft and cheating, downplaying or rationalizing minor theft or similar transgressions, and lack of personal control in a way that jeopardizes the well-being of employers and others.

Workplace Drug Use Attitudes - assesses applicant's attitudes and habits toward drug use in the workplace as Low Risk, Marginal Risk, or High Risk. The Workplace Drug Use Scale is intended to measure attitudes regarding use of illegal drugs, and the negative impact of drug use on work behavior and productivity.

This scale compares favorably with traditional physical drug testing. In a recent study, a population of 579 applicants were administered both the Opinion Survey and a urinalysis drug test. Of those tested, 26 or (4.5%) of the applicants' urinalysis tested positive for illegal drugs. The Orion Opinion Survey identified 25 of those accurately, a 96% accuracy rating. But wait, there is more! What was startling in the study was that an additional 110 applicants admitted using illegal drugs on the Opinion Survey. Based on this finding, traditional drug testing was only 19% as accurate as the Orion Opinion Survey. The Opinion Survey identified 23% of the study population as high or moderate risk based on drug use attitudes. The study confirmed the findings with each applicant.

Self Assessment Section

Self assessments are derived from responses to questions dealing with specific things the applicant has done in previous jobs, and to questions that determine what work activities the applicant likes or dislikes. This section of the profile identifies critical areas to probe during the interview.

Post Survey Interview Section

Each profile contains a list of questions from the assessment that the applicant didn't respond to in the most desirable manner. This section of the profile suggests specific questions that should be covered thoroughly during the follow-up interview. The Post Survey Interview Section will make novice interviewers better and help experienced interviewers conduct thorough interviews quickly.

Employee Opinion Surveying

Successful organizations are learning to listen to their people. This enables them to 1) discover and confront problems before they prove too costly in their effect as well as resolution and 2) maximize the positive trends occurring in the organization while the opportunity to do so exists. In surveying onboard employees, ORION SYSTEMS anonymously creates an avenue of input from your work force. Employee-management relations, training, quality, customer service, job satisfaction, fairness, and loss prevention are a few examples of areas in which critical employee feedback can be analyzed through the use of ORION employee opinion surveys.

Retail Shrinkage: Surveying For Improved Operations & Decreased Shrinkage

The personnel, procedures and policies of an organization give it a culture unlike any other. A corporate culture can also spawn personnel, procedures and policies that decrease efficiency and raise costs. Management has a need for information from all areas of the organization to analyze these issues. Simply put, management has a need to inquire and listen. Information from the workforce can lead to improved strategies that will keep the company operating smoothly and efficiently.

The Nielson Group, in partnership with ORION SYSTEMS, provides this process in the form of the SHRINKAGE REVIEW employee opinion survey. The SHRINKAGE REVIEW is a tool for loss prevention in the retail industry. This powerful management tool engages company personnel to identify and modify negative behaviors and procedures. A variety of specialized surveys exist for industries including retail, grocery, food service, manufacturing, and others. Call or e-mail for more information.

The ORION method of employee surveying is based on two facts. First, employees "in the trenches" know a great deal about the day-to-day operations within a company. Second, employees are most likely to respond in a candid, productive manner if they are sure their feedback will not be credited to them by management or peers. Our anonymous, confidential approach used in administering and processing ORION surveys tells the workforce you are acting responsibly and maintaining complete privacy with their open and honest feed back.

Your workers will see that their organization is interested in, and will act upon, the opportunities and problems revealed in the survey report. This positive impact on morale is exhibited by and ORION SYSTEMS study involving 1,400 employees of a national company. In response to a direct question, 99.5% of these 1,400 workers stated they appreciated the opportunity to express their views and opinions about the company.

Used with permission of Loss Prevention Analysts, Ltd. dba The Orion System. This information may not be reproduced, in whole or in part by mimeograph, photocopy, or any other means, without written permission.


Contact: The Nielson Group at 972.346.2892