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Dynamic Communication a one-day workshop that increases communication through understanding behaviors Do you have difficulty relating to some members of your team? Do you avoid working with them? If so, it may be due to their behavioral style - which has caused them to lose credibility with you. Every interaction you have with a person either increases or decreases your ability or desire to communicate with them. This one-day interactive workshop helps co-workers enhance team communication, bridge understanding and build team spirit. Team members from the same team or cross-functional teams benefit greatly from participation in this seminar (see our testimonials!). Practical tips, techniques and strategies for achieving dynamic communication on-the-job are reinforced. Your team's participation in this seminar will result in measurable improvements in the following areas:
Pre-assessment: You will complete a DISC behavioral assessment that will provide you with valuable insight into your unique strengths, communication preferences and areas for improvement. The workshop is designed to help you understand, recognize and appreciate all four DISC behavioral styles and how to adapt to each style for enhanced communication. Dynamic Communication participants leave the seminar energized and ready to apply the knowledge gained. Diverse behavioral styles are viewed as a positive feature of teams and a contributing factor to an organization's success. The course is presently offered in-house or at a public meeting facility of your choice; fees depend on the number of participants. A maximum of 30 people per workshop. For more information, or to reserve a workshop for your team, please contact us.
Contact: The Nielson
Group at 972.346.2892 |